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PHANTEKSPhanteks Eclipse P200A D-RGB, конструкция с ультратонкой сеткой с высоким воздушным потоком, корпус Mini-ITX Tower, цифровое RGB-освещение, 120-мм венThe performance ITX chassis The Eclipse P200A is a high airflow mini-ITX chassis featuring the Ultrafine Performance Mesh to bring the highest cooling performance. The open interior offers plenty of space for standard ATX power supplies, triple-slot Graphics Cards and plenty of 240/280 radiator options in the front and side of the chassis. The Eclipse P200A makes building a powerful yet compact ITX system a breeze. Within a 30 liter volume, it combines a compact form-factor with next-gen hardware requirements, such as: Large triple-slot GPU cards up to 355mm long High wattage ATX power supply support High performance cooling options to keep clockspeeds high and stable <img src="https://micr0 1280612806RUB12806RUB
Phanteks Eclipse P200A D-RGB, конструкция с ультратонкой сеткой с высоким воздушным потоком, корпус Mini-ITX Tower, цифровое RGB-освещение, 120-мм вен в Миассе
Код товара: 0192385c-2c9f-b2d4-0024-c9e4688e54d7
The performance ITX chassis The Eclipse P200A is a high airflow mini-ITX chassis featuring the Ultrafine Performance Mesh to bring the highest cooling performance. The open interior offers plenty of space for standard ATX power supplies, triple-slot Graphics Cards and plenty of 240/280 radiator options in the front and side of the chassis. The Eclipse P200A makes building a powerful yet compact ITX system a breeze. Within a 30 liter volume, it combines a compact form-factor with next-gen hardware requirements, such as: Large triple-slot GPU cards up to 355mm long High wattage ATX power supply support High performance cooling options to keep clockspeeds high and stable
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